It's almost time to leave for Sevilla! I've been so busy for the last month that I haven't had time to prepare myself nearly as much as I had hoped. Between trying to sublease the house, going to Colorado, and trying to make some extra cash I haven't had the opportunity to sit down with Spain and Spain only on my mind. I leave in twelve days and my goal is to be ready physically and mentally by the 29th. Yesterday, the 29th seemed like a far away dream. I was forming plans in my mind to go on a short backpacking trip, spend the weekend in Athens, take a bus on an adventure with my best friend, and spend a couple days applying for summer internships. Obviously, my sense of time and scheduling is a bit off. So as of now, getting ready for Sevilla is my priority. I need to get my mind (and my stuff) in the right place.
This is the Plaza de EspaƱa in Sevilla. Part of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones was filmed here. It's about a 15 minute walk from where my homestay is.